There are many words in English. However not all of them can be taught at once, that is why the students need to know the words which are necessary in his field of study. Related to the problem, Robinnet distinguishes vocabulary into two types, “they are productive vocabulary is used in everyday speech. Receptive vocabulary on the other is needed for comprehension[1]”.

Vocbulary can also be classified from a different angle. In this case, John T. Crow differenttiaties vocabulary in two types, and they are, active and passive vocabulary. The words that are used when we speak or write are called active vocabulary, while words that are we recognize when we hear or read are called passive vocabulary[2]”. Generally we use active vocabulary more when we are reading.

From the above description, it can be concluded that there are two kinds of vocabulary. They are active or productive vocabulary and passive or receptive vocabulary. The two kinds of vocabulary are important to be learned or matered since active or productive vocabulary is used when we speak or write, while passive or receptive vocabulary is used when we hear or read something in context.

Based on the explanation that has been described, the writer concludes that vocabulary is the most important aspect in English teaching. Without vocabulary it is impossible for the students to master English. The important thing is that after teaching learning process was done, the students are able to use them in a various situation in their life.

In addition, in reaching the language target, the teacher should use appropriate method. Because in teaching learning process, the method used is very essential to reach the goal of education.


[1] Betty Wallace Robinnet, Teaching English To Speakers of Other Language, (New York: University of Muniesta Press, 1985), P. 37

[2] Mariane Celce Murcia et al, Teaching As A Second Or Foreign Language, (Lon Angeles: New Gurry House Publisher Inc. 1960), P. 253