A.    Reading

In this research reading is one of term that become the focus of discussion. To make it clearly understand and easy for the readers the writer would like to present some theory in this research. The following are some points that present in this research.

1.      The Nature of Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is one of the language skills that should be mastered by every the students. Someone will get many information or knowledge without reading and comprehending what the readers read. Reading is not just moving eyes from one to other words moreover involves the communication of meaning by use of symbol language. It is a process of reception communication.

Reading is a process of deriving meaning from written symbols.[1] It means that the readers perceive the symbols and try to determine what the author mean, either while perceiving them or shortly thereafter.

According to Burhan, reading is a process of getting to know the meaning of words and combining words in sentences and structur readings, so the end result of the process of reading is a person capable of making the essence of reading.[2] It means that by reading the obstacle or the problem, which is our mind can be solved or answered by it and the reader can make main idea from the text.

In addition, reading is worked on form the beginning but follow from what language learners already know.[3] It means that reading is the students works in reading and followed by understanding of main ideas that passage from the text.

From statement above it can be inferred that the readers must understand the way of reading and know the information or the message of the text.  Understanding the written text means extracting the required information from it as efficiently as possible. It means that in reading the readers not only just to read the words in the text but also must understand what the readers read.

2.      The aims of Reading

A person read for many purposes, people will not read something if it does not know the purpose and clear objectives. The main objective is to find and read the information or message conveyed through the medium of writing the author, to get understanding or to get pleasure.

There are some roles that can rendering of reading activity, for example:[4]

a.       Reading activity can help someone in solving problem.

b.      Can strengthen self confidence.

c.       As an training.

d.      Can give aesthetic experience.

e.       Can improve achievement.

f.       Can extend knowledge and others.


It means that purposes of reading is to help a person acquire knowledge, develop an appreciation and to find the solutions of the problem individual. In addition, learning reading at the school aims to develop strategies that help the students get information or knowledge from reading.

3.      Reading as Process

Reading process is process acceptance of symbol by sensori and then to interpretation symbol or word which we see, to know the relation between symbols and voice and what words in presenting.

According to Burhan he say that:

The process of reading is a symbol of the the sensory acceptance process, then interpret symbols or words that look or to interpretation following the logic and grammar patterns of the words in the authors write, analyze the relationship between symbols and sounds between words and what you want in the show, connecting the words back to the direct experience to provide meaningful words and remember what they have learned in the past and incorporate new ideas and facts and approve individual interests and attitudes which readers feel the task.[5]


From statement above it can be concluded the process of reading  is a physical and mental activity that requires a person to interpretation symbols with an active and critical writing as communication patterns with yourself so that readers can find the meaning of words and the information transmission process thought to develop intellectual and lifelong learning.

     There are four models of reading process are:[6]

a.       The Linear Model

The linear model of reading , familiarly called the buttom-up model, views reading as a part-to-whole-process. First the reader learn to recognize letters, followed by word and than followed in context, until he or she finally begins to understand what is read.  Thus, the readers  job is to figure out the meaning of the text as it was intended by the outhor. The linear model is the theory behind the basal reader, sequential approach to teaching reading.

b.      The Interactive Model

The interactive model is based on schema theory (Rumelhart, 1984) and views the reading process as an interaction between the reader ant text. Schema theory explains how learners acquire, store and use knowledge in the form of schema, whic are like scaffolding, giving structure to how knowledge is organized in the mind. The readers job is to make meaningfull connecctions between new information and prior knowledge (or schemata) and to use personal reading strategies and develoved and adjusted for each individual purpose in reading while constructing meaning from print.  In schema theoretic terms, a readers comprehends a massage when a he or she is able to bring to mind a schema that gives a good account of the objects and events descraibed in the message.

c.       The Psycholinguistic Model

The psycholinguistic model develoved by Kenneth Goodman (1976) familiarly called the top-donw model views reading as part of language development and a process of hyphotesis testing, in which the readers job is to make predictions about the meaning of what being read.  Goodman uses the term ‘psycolinguistic guessing game’ to discribe the tentative information frocessing readers do while reading. Readers simultaneously test and accept or reject hypothess as they create meaning. Goodman also introduced the notion of miscue analisys to point out that not all reading errors are equally important. He challanged the idea that language should be though in pieces. This theoretical model is reflected in whole language approaches.

d.      The Transactional Model

The transactional model of reading, developed by Louise Rosenblatt (1978, 1983, 1994) describes reading as a transaction between a particular reader and a particular text that occurs at a particular time and context. Meaning does not reside solely in the text or solely in the readers but comes into being during a transaction between the two. The reader is active the text only consist of marks on the page until the readers transacts with it. The term reader implies the transaction with a text  and the term text implies a transaction with a reader. The two are not distinct entities but factors in a total situation. This view of the reading process has influenced approaches to teaching with literature that recognize the importance of the readers response: student-and response-centerd intruction, literature group, response journals, and the use of more open, aesthetic questioning.


From four medels of reading process above it can be concluded the medels of reading process is activities related to the introduction of the letter, the sound of the letter, or series of letters followed by the introduction of the meaning of the word until the students begin to understand what they read based on the context of discourse.

4.      The Kinds of Reading

Reading as a complex activities , have complex purposes and problems are manifold, complex purposes is generally purposes of reading, in the other of that of course have specific purposes that caused emergence the kinds of reading.

There are two kinds of reading are:

a.       Skimming

Skimming is looking the matters that are important from text, the main idea and important details in this regard are not always on the surface, but sometimes in the middle or at the bottom end.[7] It means that skimming is speed reading to get some information, in the skimming process of reading done in jumping around to look at the main points in mind while reading material to understand the theme of the reading.

The examples of skimming reading is skimming to get the main idea of a text book page so it can decide whether the book is useful and need to read more slowly and more detail.

b.      Scanning

Scanning is a technique to find information quickly from reading, with page after page of how to rake it evenly, and then when it got to the part is needed, eye movement stops, the eyes move rapidly, jumping up and did not see the word for word.[8] It means that scanning is a technique for obtaining information read without reading the others, read scanning immediately find the information that has been determined reader.

The examples of scanning reading, reading broadcast on television, look for a phone number in the phone book, look up the word in the dictionary, a list of trips, look on bulletin boards, etc.



5.      The Techniques of Learning Reading

In the teaching of reading the ability to read can specifically differentiate between reading aloud, silent reading, reading comprehension and independent reading.[9]

a.       Reading Aloud

These activities are means to train so that students can read with to say or correct speech. Reading aloud using a technique that typically aim to look and say words, phrases and sentences English correctly.  Besides say the teachers also need to train English stress and intonation correct. As a model that will repeat your words by the students, the teachers should have skills and English language skills are sufficient.

Usually the teacher gives an example by reading the first words, phrases or sentences to read then clearly, then continue with reading a short discourse, the students listen to the teacher and then split again and in impersonate the students together. When the students are pretty much familiar with the English language, the teachers can ask the students to read aloud individually.

b.      Silent Reading

Read a discourse or text without voice is also an activity reading skills that need to be applied in the higher classes, silent reading train the students to really focus or ignorant mind in order to understand the content of the discourse or text. The teachers need to observe when the students use silent reading, if necessary, the teacher reminds the students that do not move or make a sound when the lips do silent reading.

To determine the students understanding of reading, after the allotted time runs out, for example 5-10 minutes, the teacher can give the question about the content of reading, the students can respond verbally or requested or show and read the sentence that is written as an answer.

c.       Reading Comprehension

This reading activity aims to obtain information from the text or materials that are read, because it is really the students in practicing reading with the aim of obtain information about the content of reading. Usually to determine whether the students have understood the content of the reading, the teacher will give the questions about the content of the text you just read in the students.

In this case, the act of reading can be in the mix with speaking activities when the students answer orally. The students may give a written answer or the students are asked to write back (copying) a few phrases or sentences.

d.      Independent Reading

When the students are able to read in the liver or reading with reading comprehension hard sound and then the students would go to independent reading or independent reading. The students need time to look at language learning writing or reading text and guess the meaning of words in context.

In this case, they can be helped with the picture on the book reading. Help the students become independent readers is an attempt to develop the students language skills, they will be skilled with read, speak or write. For example, after reading, the students recounted in asking or telling the theme of what the students read, then the students can write back with their own words.


From statements above it can be concluded many the techniques of learning reading all of that gives purposes to the students can read with to say or correct speech and easy to know the meaning of text.


[1] Barry J. Wadsworth (1978), PIAGET for the classroom teacher, Longman: New York and London, p. 122-123.

[2] Burhan El Fanany (2012), Teknik Baca Cepat Trik Efektif Membaca 2 Detik 1 Halaman, Araska: Pinang Merah Residance Kav.14, p. 10.


[3] Bambang Setiadi (2006) , Teaching English as Foreigh Language, Jakarta: Graha Ilmu,

p. 80.

[4] Bukhari (2010), Keterampilan Berbahasa Membaca dan Menulis, Banda Aceh: PENA, p. 12-13.


[5] Burhan El Fanany (2012), Teknik Baca Cepat Trik Efektif..., p. 9.

[6] Allyn and Bacon (1999),  Teaching Language Art A Students-and Response-Centered Classroom, California State University:Long Beach, p. 268-271.


[7] Soedarso (2000), Speed Reading Sistem Membaca Cepat dan Efektif, Jakarta: PT Gramadia Pustaka Utama, p. 88.


[8] Burhan El Fanany (2012), Teknik Baca Cepat Trik Efektif..., p. 98.

[9] Kasihani K.E Suyanto (2007), English for Young Learners, Jakarta: Bumi Aksara,        p. 64-66.